takayuki matsuo
Exhibition Dates: December 16 - 24
Venue: Kobo Chika Gallery, Tokyo

Exhibition Dates: September 17 - October 1st
Venue: What Cafe Gallery, Tokyo

そこ もの こと
Exhibition Dates: August 4 - September 2
Venue: MA2 Gallery, Tokyo

Exhibition Dates: May 3 - 7
Venue: Former Soga Textile Factory + 2 Kosonechō, 376-0043, Kiryu, Gunma, Japan

Modernology Excavation - Twisted House -
Exhibition dates: November 1 - 31, 2022
Venue: Sumida-Mukoujima Expo, Tokyo,
Excavation and Cleanup of Abandoned Houses
Today, there are many vacant houses in Japan, especially in regional cities. In particular, old houses that are in danger of collapsing have become a social problem in Japan. Houses that have been deformed over the years and are losing their function as homes are symbolic of what modern society is abandoning.
This exhibition featured a wooden row house built in 1932 (90 years ago) that had been abandoned for long time, and displayed the space itself as an artwork.
Over the past 90 years, the house has been damaged by natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods; half of the ground has subsided, the floor has become sloped, and the structure of the house is severely distorted. In addition, various repairs were made to prevent drafts and animals from entering, and many traces left by the residents can still be seen today.
Project Description
The house is a kind of sculpture / found object that has undergone repeated deformation and restoration over the past 90 years. The main act of production for this work was the removal and cleaning of excess material in order to accentuate the features within the space.
Production process
1. The tatami-mats and floorboards in the living room were removed to expose the subfloor in order to investigate the cause of the distortion of the house.
2. The subfloor was covered with mold, and the back half of the house, as seen from the entrance, had subsided and was littered with artifacts.
3、Dust and dirt were carefully removed to highlight the condition of the ground and the placement of artifacts.
4, Displaying some of the objects found in the yard and under the floor as collectibles.
5、Polishing the stainless steel parts of the kitchen and bathrooms, emphasizing the presence of objects that are in conflict with distortion and dirt.

9x10x17.5 32:12:59
Exhibition dates: March 1 - April 10, 2022
Venue: mh Project, Manhattan, NY

Modernology - natural artifacts 2008-2021NY -
Exhibition dates: August 15 - September 30, 2021
Venue: Anaba Project, Bethesda, WD,
For this exhibition, I decided to show what I have collected over the past 10 years (2008-2016/2019-2021) that I feel particularly connected to. So the theme of the exhibition is "how artwork should be placed in relation to this room".
At first, I started by cleaning and examining the entire room. By taking the time to observe, I noticed a variety of characteristics of the room, such as the round window, electrical switches, plumbing, floor features, multiple outlets, etc. and then I tried to figure out how should I place the works in relation to the characteristics of room. After few days, while I tried out various arrangements, I realized that I was only thinking about placing works, so, I became conscious of the necessity to reduce or not place things, which were not necessary.
When the objects unrelated to the location are exhibited, I wondered if the meaning of exhibit the work in the location could be created by being aware of the features of the location, rather than ignoring them as a hindrance. This is my attempt to complete my intention of turning attention to things that are essentially useless to the world.

Modernology Restoration
Exhibition dates: March 1 - 31
Venue: Ace Hotel Gallery, Manhattan, NY
Project Ephemera #4 - Preservation -
Exhibition dates: September 30, 2019
Venue: 210 46th street #210, Brooklyn, NY
Project Ephemera #3 - Restoration-
Exhibition dates: August 29,2019
Venue: Railroad Site off Morgan Ave
RESTORATION – Project Ephemeral, the third of four monthly interventions led by the RU artist Takayuki Matsuo in outdoor spaces.
On August 29, from 1 – 4 pm Takayuki Matsuo invites viewers to see a restored section of daily life. Using objects and materials that he found at the exhibition site, Matsuo worked to “restore” these items and now re-presents them to us in the same space that they were discovered. By assembling disjointed items he compensates for the missing original parts by pairing them with new materials. Matsuo envisions this process of restoration as a way of bringing the objects back to their original form rather than aiming to restore the original function of the objects.
#3 Restoration is part Project Ephemeral is a series of four one-day exhibitions held between June and September 2019 in nonwhite cube locations such as abandoned buildings, streets of New York, roadsides and vacant lots. Following a set of self-assigned rules, Matsuo investigates, cleans, restores, preserves and archives “the modest thing that is already in there”. Matsuo does not claim these actions as artistic ones but as every day gestures that viewers who happen to be on the spot will interpret as a mirage or a total solar eclipse.
Project Ephemera #2 - Cleaning -
Exhibition date: July 31,2019
Venue: Gowanus, Under the Gowanus Expressway
CLEANING – Project Ephemeral, the second of four monthly interventions led by the RU artist Takayuki Matsuo in outdoor spaces.
What is considered beautiful or dirty depends on individual subjectivity and on Wednesday, July 31, Matsuo will undertake deliberate actions of “cleaning” that examine those very notions. Whether peeling paint from a discarded bicycle frame or sweeping up dirt from the abandoned site, each action he chooses will be ruled by this question: “What can we see by returning something to its original state?”.
#2, CLEANING is part of Project Ephemeral, a series of four one-day exhibitions held between June and September 2019 in non-white cube locations such as abandoned buildings, streets of New York, roadsides and vacant lots. Following a set of self-assigned rules, Matsuo investigates, cleans, restores, preserve
s, and archives “the modest thing that is already in there”. Matsuo does not claim these actions as artistic ones but as every day gestures that viewers who happen to be on the spot will interpret as a mirage or a total solar eclipse.
Project Ephemera #1 Investigation
Exhibition date: June 30, 2019
Venue: Around 6th and 2nd Ave. Brooklyn
INVESTIGATION – Project Ephemeral, the first of four monthly interventions led by the RU artist Takayuki Matsuo in outdoor spaces. On June 30, from 1- 4 pm Matsuo will hold an exhibition that is a recorded section of daily life by drawing a white line on a disappearing road sign – White Line -, by documenting found objects on site – Natural Artifacts -, and examining color of painted wall – Color Chart -. Each proceeding is ruled by this question: “How can I record information of things that can be recognized and restored by future generations or others?”
Project Ephemeral is a series of four one-day exhibitions held between June and September 2019 in non white cube locations such as abandoned buildings, streets of New York, roadsides and vacant lots. Following a set of self-assigned rules, Matsuo investigates, cleans, restores, preserves and archives “the modest thing that is already in there”. Matsuo does not claim these actions as artistic ones but as every day gestures that viewers who happen to be on the spot will interpret as a mirage or a total solar eclipse.